Monday, 14 October 2019

How Can You Prevent Uterus Prolapse from Occurring?

Pelvic organ prolapse is when 1 or more of the organs in the pelvis slide down from their usual position and protuberance into the vagina. It can be the womb, bowel, bladder or top of the vagina. It can be treated via prolapse uterus treatment non-surgical therapy.

Causes of uterine prolapse

The pelvic floor and related supporting connective tissues can be enfeebled or impaired in several ways including:
  • pregnancy, particularly in the scenario of numerous births (such as twins or triplets) or several pregnancies
  •  vaginal childbirth, particularly if the baby was big or delivered rapidly, or if there was a protracted pushing stage
  •  obesity
  •  strain on the toilet to pass a bowel motion
  • low levels of the sex hormone oestrogen post menopause
  •  severe coughing related with disorders such as chronic bronchitis or asthma
  •  fibroids
  •   in rare circumstances, pelvic tumor

Prevention techniques

Some females are at augmented risk of uterine prolapse. Simple preventive measures embrace:
  • pregnancy – pelvic floor workouts during pregnancy
  •  vaginal childbirth – post-partum pelvic floor workouts
  •  post-menopause – oestrogen cream to lift flagging hormone levels and pelvic floor workouts
  •  obesity – loss of surplus stomach fat with dietary alterations and regular workout
  •  Chronic constipation – it is idyllic if you have large, soft, formed stools. Generally, eating stacks of fruit, vegetables and fiber and drinking lots of water will help. Evade straining when using your bowels. Manage chronic constipation in discussion with your surgeon.
  •  Other conditions – treat underlying conditions (such as asthma and chronic bronchitis) in discussion with your surgeon.