Wednesday, 25 December 2019

What are The Causes and Risks of Rectal Prolapse?

Your rectum is the last portion of your colon. It is where stool forms before you have a bowel movement. Rectal prolapse is when portion of the rectum humps out of the anus. Initially, a prolapse might occur only after a bowel movement. The prolapsed portion of the rectum might then slip back via the anal canal by itself. Over time, the prolapse might become more severe and might require surgery. 

What causes rectal prolapse?

Rectal prolapse is most often instigated by flagging of the muscles that support the rectum. This can occur from constipation, impairment from giving birth or other things.
Who is at risk for rectal prolapse?

Females are more likely to have the ailment than menfolk. Ladies who have rectal prolapse are often in their 60s. Men incline to be 40 years old or younger. Younger folks with the disorder often have chronic health conditions and take numerous medicines. An individual is more at risk for rectal prolapse if they have any of the beneath:

ü A lengthy history of constipation

ü Straining to have bowel movements

ü Long-standing (chronic) diarrhea

ü Laxative abuse

ü Childbirth

ü Spinal cord complications or previous stroke

ü Cystic fibrosis

ü Aging

Treatment will depend on your symptoms, your age and your general fitness. It will also depend on how severe the situation is. Treatment often starts with steps to avert constipation and straining. If your rectal prolapse is severe and inhibits your quality of life, your doctor might recommend rectal prolapse treatment without surgery.

Monday, 14 October 2019

How Can You Prevent Uterus Prolapse from Occurring?

Pelvic organ prolapse is when 1 or more of the organs in the pelvis slide down from their usual position and protuberance into the vagina. It can be the womb, bowel, bladder or top of the vagina. It can be treated via prolapse uterus treatment non-surgical therapy.

Causes of uterine prolapse

The pelvic floor and related supporting connective tissues can be enfeebled or impaired in several ways including:
  • pregnancy, particularly in the scenario of numerous births (such as twins or triplets) or several pregnancies
  •  vaginal childbirth, particularly if the baby was big or delivered rapidly, or if there was a protracted pushing stage
  •  obesity
  •  strain on the toilet to pass a bowel motion
  • low levels of the sex hormone oestrogen post menopause
  •  severe coughing related with disorders such as chronic bronchitis or asthma
  •  fibroids
  •   in rare circumstances, pelvic tumor

Prevention techniques

Some females are at augmented risk of uterine prolapse. Simple preventive measures embrace:
  • pregnancy – pelvic floor workouts during pregnancy
  •  vaginal childbirth – post-partum pelvic floor workouts
  •  post-menopause – oestrogen cream to lift flagging hormone levels and pelvic floor workouts
  •  obesity – loss of surplus stomach fat with dietary alterations and regular workout
  •  Chronic constipation – it is idyllic if you have large, soft, formed stools. Generally, eating stacks of fruit, vegetables and fiber and drinking lots of water will help. Evade straining when using your bowels. Manage chronic constipation in discussion with your surgeon.
  •  Other conditions – treat underlying conditions (such as asthma and chronic bronchitis) in discussion with your surgeon.

Friday, 6 September 2019

How Can You Avoid Having Uterus Prolapse?

A prolapsed uterus is when the uterus (womb) moves down from its usual position – this can materialize when the tissues that usually support the uterus (the pelvic floor muscles and ligaments) become strained and feeble. Prolapsed uterus (also named as uterine prolapse) is a common ailment that can affect a lady's physical and sexual activity and also her quality of life. The uterus, accompanied by other organs of the pelvis, is generally supported by sheets of pelvic floor muscles which are dangled like a hammock from the public bone to the tailbone from front to back and also from side to side transversely the bottom of the pelvis. With a uterine prolapse, these muscles, ligaments and other pelvic tissues, don’t offer their usual support, and the uterus might push down.

Precautions to avert prolapse of uterus

To avert prolapse of the uterus:
  • Carry out domestic errands in a sitting position.
  • Do regular workouts to maintain the tone of pelvic muscles
  • After mealtimes, lie down with a pillow below your buttock.
  • Keep a check on body weight. Obese females are more likely to suffer uterine prolapse
  • Circumvent lifting heavy weights as it puts unwarranted pressure on the stomach.
  • Don’t smoke. Smoking tends to exacerbate indicators of prolapse
  • Monitor with consistent physical pelvic inspection using speculum pooled with palpation of stomach
  • Females above 55 years of age, with a prolapse concern might contemplate undergoing estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) or non-surgical treatment of uterus prolapse.

Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Learn About The Various Methods Of Treating Prolapsed Uterus

Uterine prolapse is a disorder where natural treatment and workouts are very effective in firming up and toning the tissues that clasp the uterus. Pelvic muscles, like any other muscle requires exercise to stay strong. However, you cannot anticipate instantaneous outcomes with workout. It might take up to 6 months for good outcomes. The more progressive the displacement, the lengthier the period it takes for retrieval.

Exercising also aids to eradicate incontinence and decreases the potentials of pelvic cancer. Keep a hard pillow below your buttocks, instead of keeping it below your head. Sleeping in this position is maybe the finest and simplest workout for uterine prolapse as it permits the uterus to go back to its previous position below the effect of gravity. This workout is also appropriate for females with bulging stomach, who may find other workouts to be challenging in the start.
Kegel exercises (so-called after the doctor who trained them) are very effective in uplifting the pelvic muscles. Doing Kegel workouts for 10 minutes every day can make a momentous difference in modifying the displacement of uterus. The workout starts with classifying the pelvic muscles that grasp the uterus. To classify the right muscles, begin by trying to stop the movement of urine. The muscles that contract to stop urination are the muscles that grasp the uterus and they are the ones that have to be toned. You can also decide on the all-natural and fairly safe herbal medications for prolapsed uterus treatment.

Friday, 12 July 2019

Learn About Ayurvedic Cure Of Prolapsed Uterus

Uterine prolapse is a condition in which the pelvic muscles and ligaments that clasp the uterus in place begin drooping occasioning in a descending movement of the uterus between the bladder and the rectum. The word yoni is vaginal canal and uterus, therefore prolapse of vaginal wall and uterus both are considered.


  1. Dwindling, impairment, laceration or strain in the muscles
  2. Swollenness of uterus during multiple pregnancies or vaginal deliveries
  3. Natural ageing
  4. Forfeiture of estrogen
  5. Insufficiency of essential vitamins and minerals that are needed to tone the muscles.


  1. Sensation of something prominent or something about to fall out of the vagina.
  2. A sensation of weight, pressure or something stabbing in the pelvic area
  3. Pain in intercourse.
  4. Stomach or back pain.
  5. Weightiness or costiveness in the bowels
  6. Fatigue, exhaustion, irritability and depression are associated symptoms

Treatment of uterine prolapse in Ayurveda

Our ancient acharayas have revealed quite a few classical Ayurvedic formulations for the treatment of uterine prolapse.  Ayurvedic non-surgical treatment of uterus prolapse reinstates therapies by inaugurating the symmetry of Tridosha(Vata,pitta,kapha)and sapt dhatus (body tissues). In Ayurveda, each and every patient is a separate entity and the treatment also varies from person to person. An ayurvedist makes an unblemished picture of the person by understanding a patient all together and also decides what type of herbal preparation is to be used for the patient. Uterine prolapse (prasransini yoni vyapad) can be efficaciously cured via Ayurveda.

Saturday, 22 June 2019

Want To Know How To Manage Rectal Prolapse? Read On!

ectal prolapse is when portion of the rectum protrudes out of the anus. It is most often triggered by wearying of the muscles that support the rectum. This can ensue from constipation, impairment from giving birth or other things. Firstly, it might ensue only after a bowel movement. But over time, the prolapse might become more severe and might require surgery. Symptoms can consist of feeling a protuberance after coughing, sneezing or lifting. Treatment often starts with steps to inhibit constipation and straining. If your rectal prolapse is in a much advanced stage and obstructs your life in some way or the other, your healthcare provider might advise to undergo procidentia Ayurveda treatment so that you can get relief from this disease.

How to manage rectal prolapse?

These tips for handling rectal prolapse before or after the treatment might help:
  • Don’t do any deeds that upsurge pressure in your rectal region. This embraces straining to have a bowel movement or hefty lifting.
  • If you have a continuing cough, have it cured by your healthcare provider. He or she might also urge you to stop smoking.
  • Eat at least 5 portions of fruits and vegetables each day. A high-fiber diet can help avert constipation and straining.
  • Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water each day.
  • If you are constipated, ask your doctor about stool softeners or laxatives.
  • Be active and get regular workout. If you are overheavy, take steps to get to a healthy weight.

Thursday, 6 June 2019

How Can A Uterus Prolapse Prove To Be an Embarrassing Situation For Females?

How can a uterus prolapse prove to be an embarrassing situation for females?
The uterus (womb) is typically held in place by muscles, tissue and ligaments. Prolapse ensues when the tissues that support the uterus become so feeble that the uterus cannot stay primed and it slides down from its usual position. This can cause:
  • a feeling of something coming down or out of the vagina
  • an uncomfortable sensation of fullness
  • trouble having sex
  • leakage of a trivial amount of urine when you cough, sneeze or exercise
Up to half of all females who have had kids are affected by some gradation of prolapse. It is more common as ladies get older, predominantly in those who have gone through the menopause. It is rare in females who have not had kids. Prolapse is also related with being overheavy and with having a persistent cough. Some females with a prolapse of the uterus (womb) do not have any signs and the condition is only revealed during an interior examination for another reason. Most females with a prolapse will experience a painful feeling of fullness, dragging or weight in the vagina, which is at times convoyed by pain. There might be a feeling of something coming down or out of the vagina. If the prolapse is more progressive, it might be possible to see the uterus. Other common symptoms consist of:
  • lower back ache
  • trouble going to the toilet
  • cystitis, which is a bladder septicity that causes a recurrent and urgent necessity to urinate
  • trouble walking
  • trouble having sex
Females with prolapsed uterus can opt for prolapse uterus treatment non-surgical procedure via herbal medicine.